Twilight Saga Wiki

Sorry I haven't been on for ages.

Well some of you will know Emma Clark (NuttyMadam) she's on youtube and twitter. She's this massive Twi-hard and she's pretty well known for her reaction videos to the trailors, promo pics, interviews she does with the cast at conventions and most recently the leaked photos from Breaking Dawn.

Well she was on this TV show, I think it's called OMG (Not too sure) But she got a video message from Jackson Rathbone

thumb|300px|rightI have a feeling this is already on here but meh, I'm to omuch of a lazy ass to look.

WATCH THE END. It's funny

'Oh by the way. You ever seen vampires having sex? You're going to'

That is definately now my favourite Jackson Rathbone quote!

And it looks as though Bill Condon has switched to a New Moon crossed with a Eclipse Jasper hair cut
